Your Weekly Dose Of Happiness

I am a fifty something woman looking to stay fit and healthy whilst balancing a full time job and battling menopause symptoms!

Here is an environment which supports like minded souls, who might need help getting into that little black dress or feeling complete despair as you melt into an untimely hot flush puddle.!

Join me as I share my thoughts and ideas (most of them crazy).

Jacqui Curly

Latest Thoughts…..

Tips to get started with Walking for Fitness - Start small! Just get out and do it.   Start with 10 minutes a day.   We all know how to walk and by committing to 10 minutes a day, 66 days later you will have formed a new habit. Look for ways during the day to increase your walking. Pack your Go Walks (#AF) in your bag in the morning and go out for 10 minutes (or longer) at lunch time. Take the bus or tube to work?  Why not get off a stop early and complete your commute on foot? If you work in a building with stairs, make a point of going up and down a few flights each time you take a toilet break. However, and whenever you do your walk, make sure you schedule it into your day. Ready to move on Gradually increase your walking time to 30 minutes. Buddy up!  Arrange to meet a friend for your daily walk.  If you know that someone else is relying on you to show up, you are less likely to find excuses not to. Vary your route or the location of your walk, keep it interesting. Get your vibe!  Put together a playlist of either your favourite songs, or music with a good walking beat. (30 Days free Trial with Amazon music) (#AF)  Turn up the volume and march it out. Listen to audio books or podcasts (30 Days free Trial with Audible Plus) (#AF) whilst you are… Continue Reading

about me

I started this blog about 15 years ago with a very good friend.  We both felt we needed to lose weight and we thought the blog would keep us accountable.

Wife & Mum

Four big boys in my life. Hubby, son and two doggoes! OMG I hear you gasp! It’s fine really.

Domestic Goddess

Oh yes, you bet!


Let’s get this written down!

Well life caught up with us.  Whilst we had great fun at the time, all good things came to an end and we didn’t feel the need to post any more.

Fast forward to 2023.  I am now in my fifties, have raised my family and am looking forward to the next adventures in my life.  I still keep an eye on my weight but do so with more of a healthy eating mindset; that does not mean that I don’t try out new diets from time to time. 

I love to exercise but am aware of the need for balance.  Cardio, resistance,  together with a mindfulness approach.  (That said, I have done a 10k Tough Mudder this year and am always on the lookout for the next challenge).

And don’t get me started about menopause!

Jacqui Curly

So what’s to tell about my crazy, hectic lifestyle. I see it like this >>

OK so I can “guild the lily” a bit, that’s only fair as it’s my website! Would love to hear about you too. Subscribe free as Member to leave a comment. You can drop me a line also using the contact page.

Kitchen Prowess

Diet and Fitness durability

Best doggy walker and mum

MBFD to date..

It’s moved on and evolving, hopefully for the best. Check the old, see the new and join the journey……….

Sept 2023

Re-launched and away we go……

Enter 2023, older, wiser (maybe?) and reflective. Re-visiting and re-vamping to life as of now…..

Jun 2010

How we introduced the launch

Trepidation, excitement, turning the dream into reality and both positively beaming.